
Eva Boxenbaum
Professor, PI
Eva conducts research on how organizational actors shape the diffusion and institutionalization of new management ideas and practices. Her research focuses on cognitive, material and visual dimensions of these processes, as well as their intended and unintended consequences at the field level. She currently leads collective research on the diffusion of academic ideas and institutional change in academia.
She is incoming Division Chair for the OMT Division of the Academy of Management and Associate Editor for Organization Theory. Her work has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Studies, California Management Review, Strategic Organization, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations. She is also a board member of the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.

Renate Meyer
Professor, CO-PI
Renate researches how of new management ideas spread, get institutionalized and are translated into new cultural contexts. Recently, she has also focused on institutional renewal, collective action in crises, as well as governance structures and governance gaps mostly in urban contexts. Renate researches multiple mode of communication, especially visual and verbal. Empirically, she has studied the refugee crises, bushfires, urban governance issues, organizational values and responsibilities, and public sector identities. Her work has been published in journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Organization Studies, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, and Public Administration, Public Management Review, and Urban Studies. She is current Editor-in-Chief for Organization Studies.

Sophie Marie Cappelen
Sophie is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School. Her research interests cover processes of institutionalization and in her current work, she studies how management consultants translate OMT knowledge into practice. During her PhD, Sophie focused on institutional issues related temporality, identity, and historical narratives. Her research has been published in Organization Studies.

Jonas Cedergren
Jonas is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School, where he studies how organizational actors interpret and translate knowledge products from Organization and Management Theory into practice. In his dissertation project at Lund University, he studied physician-scientists and how they manage their role as translators between science and clinical practice, primarily focusing on their membership in different communities. Mainly utilizing the concept of communities of practice, his work has focused on how knowledge is negotiated between the individual and the group, and how this can relate to questions of identity, learning, power, and belonging.

Virginie Svenningsen
Virginie joined the Department of Organization (IOA) at Copenhagen Business School in January 2021. In her dissertation project at Mines ParisTech (PSL), she studied hybrid organizations such as public private partnerships and how participating actors navigate tensions associated with multiple demands and identities. In her current research interests, Virginie focuses on how organizational actors interpret and translate academic knowledge from the domain of Organization and Management Theory when they implement it in organizational practice. She also investigates the sources of their inspiration and the immediate consequences of their efforts to implement academic knowledge. Virginie has more than 10 years of company experience in corporate finance and project management positions.

Malia Cavalho
Ph.D. Fellow
Malia is a Ph.D. fellow in the societal impact of organizational theory at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School. Her current research investigates the process of institutionalization and how academic theory is translated into practice through embodiment in the IT industry. She holds an BSc in International Business Communication from the Southern University of Denmark and an MSc in Service Management from Copenhagen Business School. In addition, Malia is vice-chair of the PhD association of CBS

Camilla Storck
Student Assistant
Camilla just submitted her master’s thesis in Strategy, Organization, and Leadership from CBS. She further holds a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Organization). In addition, she is active in an organization that strengthens people’s knowledge and profession through a maternity network.

Clara Dyrbye Hansen
Student Assistant

Emma Damgård Jensen
Student Assistant
Emma is currently studying Sociology at University of Copenhagen. She is also active in a socio-economic organization aimed at promoting healthy youth culture. She is interested in the many aspects of the study of social sustainability.